On Wed, Dec 30, 2009, Mengjuei Hsieh wrote:
> There seems to be a problem of cygwin/x on FAT32, so if users are not
> even able to start xwindow, I would suggest installing it on a NTFS
> disk.
> I installed a new cygwin with newly released X11 from cygwin/x, I also
> did it in my windows XP virtual box. Xleap seems to be working well,
> except the menu clickability problem (had to find an external keyboard
> for my macbook pro and press "numlock" once or twice.)
Apparently (I haven't tried it) you can install an "international" or "french"
keyboard, and get some equivalent.
> By the way, sleap test gave me a crash on cygwin, I'll take a look to
> see if there is something stupid in my cygwin installation.
Do some things work? For me, sleap on cygwin doesn't work at all. (Type
"sleap" and it exits after a few seconds, never even giving a prompt. See
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Received on Thu Dec 31 2009 - 07:00:02 PST