On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 08:47:01PM -0800, Mengjuei Hsieh wrote:
> > When you say "X11 seems to be broken right now", is this Amber-
> > -specific, or a general problem with cygwin's X11?
> It's a general problem of cygwin's X11. I believe they are rolling
> out a new version of X11 right now, so I'll wait for one day or two
> before I go back to check the update again.
There seems to be a problem of cygwin/x on FAT32, so if users are not
even able to start xwindow, I would suggest installing it on a NTFS
I installed a new cygwin with newly released X11 from cygwin/x, I also
did it in my windows XP virtual box. Xleap seems to be working well,
except the menu clickability problem (had to find an external keyboard
for my macbook pro and press "numlock" once or twice.)
My suggestion of installation requirement is:
xinit, libX11-devel, libICE-devel, libSM-devel, libXext-devl, and
By the way, sleap test gave me a crash on cygwin, I'll take a look to
see if there is something stupid in my cygwin installation.
cd pdbent; ./Run.pdbent2
./Run.pdbent2: line 13: 3380 Aborted (core dumped) ../../../exe/sleap < leap.in > pdbent2.out 2>&1
cat: mdl_1hpv.mol2: No such file or directory
diffing mdl_1hpv.mol2.save with mdl_1hpv.mol2
possible FAILURE: check mdl_1hpv.mol2.dif
Happy new year.
Mengjuei Hsieh, Luo Research Group, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry,
University of California Irvine.
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Received on Wed Dec 30 2009 - 16:30:02 PST