Re: [AMBER-Developers] Re: Patch of configure script for Mac OS X

From: Ben Roberts <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:00:24 -0500

> I've made some changes to the configure script, including fixing that
> problem, and will upload my version presently, after testing.

And here are the changes - uploaded into CVS.

- Added a variable "$march" holding the machine architecture. This is
separate from CFLAGS and FFLAGS because the latter two variables are not
always observed. In the configure script, it gets appended to the
compiler name for the same reason.

- Added support for the Intel 11 compilers so that their correct
formatting for the -ax flag is used (i.e., SSE...). The argument to the
-ax flag is controlled using an environment variable "$SSE_TYPES",
rather than a slew of command-line switches. I figure that any user who
(a) is using Intel 11 and (b) knows and cares about SSE instruction sets
can look at the instructions (or the script itself) enough to know how
to use that variable.

- Added "-xHost" to the default compiler flags - if Intel 11 is
selected. (This may reduce binary portability. I'm not sure how much of
an issue that is for us.)

- Fixed Mengjuei's GNU ld detector.

- Put in code so if Snow Leopard is in use, "-x86_64" will be switched
on by default. For most things this won't make much difference, but it
allows the script to choose the correct version of the MKL libraries.

- Changed if statements so that variables in string comparisons are
always quoted, and those in numeric comparisons are not, for the sake of

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Received on Tue Nov 10 2009 - 15:30:02 PST
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