> Thanks for all your efforts on the numvec issue.
> But it still doesnt work:
> pgCC -c -I../../freelib -I../../freelib -o numvec.o numvec.cpp
> "../../freelib/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/config.hpp", line 172:
> catastrophic error:
> #error directive: Your compiler is unsupported by this verions
> of
> uBLAS. Boost 1.32.0 includes uBLAS with support for many old
> compilers.
indeed ... OTOH, IMHO, uBLAS is better than valarray using
private apis. OTOH2: does this error message suggest that the
uBLAS was not used earlier? OTOH3: would anyone use PGI for
sleap? [i.e., does it make sense to make it ublas-free].
Have a nice evening,
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Oct 12 2009 - 16:30:03 PDT