Re: [AMBER-Developers] Problems with parallel compiling... Resolved

From: Tom Joseph <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 10:59:01 -0400

2009/9/17 case <>:
> See comment above; but I have not yet been able to get lam + netcdf + pnetcdf
> to work on Mac OSX.  It does work for me on intel/Linux.

I got these to compile on Snow Leopard (64-bit CPU, 32-bit kernel) by
making sure -m64 was passed to the compilers, and for lam, adding
--enable-shared=yes --without-memory-manager to the configure flags.
The latter flag avoids some linker issue that I don't understand, but
in theory prevents LAM from working with IB or Myrinet.

To actually run AMBER's MPI binaries, the shell variable
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH must specify $AMBERHOME/lib since Snow Leopard
includes a non-Fortran OpenMPI in /usr/lib which would otherwise take


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Received on Thu Sep 17 2009 - 08:00:02 PDT
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