On Wed, Sep 09, 2009, Jason Swails wrote:
> This is my last email for tonight, I promise (as it's the last issue I had
> during compilation). I finished compiling the whole suite in serial, but
> ambertools failed when I tried compiling it in parallel (amber itself worked
> in parallel). The error message I got was:
Can you specify your compiler, OS, and mpi version? What does "mpicc -show"
report? And, what flags did you use for the configure script?
I haven't seen this problem on the systems I have tested.
> /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 ncmpigen
> /home/swails/newamber/9.09.09/amber11/src/pnetcdf/bin/ncmpigen
> /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `ncmpigen': No such file or directory
This implies that an earlier error occurred (in the "make" step) where
ncmpigen should have been created. You will probably need to look at the
complete log file, and try to figure out what happened at the "cd ncgen &&
make" step.
> going into the directory AMBERHOME/src/pnetcdf/src/utils/ncgen , I saw that
> ncmpigen was called ncmpigen.1 for some reason, though I don't know if that
> file was created during installation or if it preexisted. cp ncmpigen.1
> ncmpigen in that directory....
Well, "ncmpigen" is an executable file and "ncpmigen.1" is a man page. So
that copy operation would seem to be pretty dangerous -- probably ncmpigen is
never used.
> there was no success message afterwards like there is for everything else,
> but there was also no error message).
Can you explain what you mean by "success message"?
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 14 2009 - 13:40:16 PDT