Re: amber-developers: nmode units

From: Ilyas Yildirim <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 17:30:01 -0500 (EST)

I analyzed the .out files of script and compared them with the
.statistics.out file. It seems that all the values in .statistics.out
calculated with script is in kcal/mol (entropy, pbsa, gbsa,
vacuum). In the amber mailing list, there were similar questions regarding
the units of the outputs of script. It looks like that people
also got confused with the units.

I think that it might be a good thing to include this information
explicitly in the manual. nmode's units are in cal/mol-K, while the script's outputs are all in kcal/mol (entropic part is T*S
where T=300K). script also spits out the energy information for
complex/ligand/receptor (.com.all.out, .lig.all.out, .rec.all.out), and
in order to use those files for some other calculations (such as
convergence analysis), it is important to know the units. In any case,
just a suggestion.


On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, David A. Case wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008, Ilyas Yildirim wrote:
> >
> > "the si system of units is used internally. conversion to units more
> > familiar to most chemists is made for output."
> "more familiar to most chemists" means cal/mol-deg for entropy.
> Furthermore, the output is very clear (unusual for Amber!), with lines like
> this:
> freq. E Cv S
> cm**-1 kcal/mol cal/mol-kelvin cal/mol-kelvin
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Total 45.379 32.658 99.218
> translational 0.888 2.979 40.781
> rotational 0.888 2.979 29.811
> vibrational 43.603 26.700 28.627
> ...dac

  Ilyas Yildirim, Ph.D.
  = Hutchison Hall B#10          - Department of Chemistry      =
  =                              - University of Rochester      =
  = 585-275-6766 (office)        -                              =
  =                     =
Received on Sun Dec 14 2008 - 01:13:22 PST
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