amber-developers: latest tarballs for AmberTools and Amber10

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:01:31 -0700

Hi everyone:

I have a new set of draft tar files that might get sent to users.

For those of you that have a CVS account, the following should work:

   scp .
   scp .

(Replace "loyd" with "chagall" if your login is on chagall.)

You have to untar both files (they both go into an amber10 directory). Then
follow instructions -- I don't want to give instructions here, since part of
the point is to see if the ones that we provide are clear enough. But, do
note that the exact procedure for compiling and testing has changed a little
since amber9.

It's best to use bugzilla ( to report problems,
but mail to amber-developers is also OK. Please indicate that you are using
the "27mar08" files.

As noted in an earlier email, my current plan is post AmberTools on Monday,
March 31.

...thanks in advance...dave
Received on Fri Apr 18 2008 - 21:14:32 PDT
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