amber-developers: Problems with amber / MPI

From: Gustavo Seabra <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 13:06:33 -0400


After compiling amber from a fresh copy from the CVS tree, and
correcting those syntax problems (new-line feed), I tried some tests.

serial tests --> OK
parallel (MPI) tests, wih only 1 processor --> OK
parallel (MPI) tests, wih > 1 processor --> FAIL

I tried removing the "-std95" flag and re-compiling, but the problem
is still there. ALL test cases fail, and fail horribly! (see the

Basically, if using more than 1 processor, things go crazy. I wonder
if anyone can try to reproduce this behaviour somewhere else.



Received on Thu Oct 12 2006 - 20:36:14 PDT
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