amber-developers: [ Re: AMBER: Installation amber 9 on IBM SP4]

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 08:14:37 -0700

Scott Brozell wrote:

> It looks like $< is not being evaluated correctly.

I'm really tempted to just say that that Amber requires GNU make. This would
allow us to do so many things much easier (especially conditional execution),
plus would eliminate the royal pain of trying to keep things compatible with
three-decade old UNIX make programs that we rarely test.

Note that gleap is really going to require a modern build environment.

But I'm open to counter-arguments...we do have to put up with IBM since they
make the machines people want to work on.

[Note: this is only for Amber10; we still have to patch Amber 9].

Received on Sun Aug 27 2006 - 06:07:24 PDT
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