Thanks dac. Your help is great. It's the firefox safety measure to prevent
user from accidentally run malicious codes.
Best wishes
On 5/27/06, David A. Case <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 27, 2006, Xuebin Qiao wrote:
> > Sorry, please use this new attachment, since previous one has minor typo
> > mistake!
> Thanks. I originally set this up on my local machine, and my version
> worked fine (came up with the "install" dialog). I didnt' realy the
> behavior
> would change when I uploaded everything to the real server. What you sent
> should now be at the web site. Firefox will still refuse to work until
> users add "" to their list of allowed plugin sites, but I
> think that is fine.
> ...regards...dac
... there have been two really clean,
consistent models of programming so far:
the C model and the Lisp model.
These two seem points of high ground,
with swampy lowlands between them.
--Paul Graham
Received on Sun May 28 2006 - 06:07:05 PDT