amber-developers: Amber10 CVS tree is now available

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 11:57:17 -0700

I have created an "amber10" CVS repository. Go to some good directory and

     cvs co amber10

All the usual suspects with CVS access should be able to commit to the new


1. All version numbers are now at "9.0" for both the amber9 and amber10
trees. The amber9 tree will remain closed.

2. I tried to remove as many files as possible: Amber 9 was about 900
and Amber 10 CVS is about 530 Mb. But if I mistakenly omitted something
need, just manually commit it to Amber 10. If you feel you need to keep
the revision history, e-mail me, and I will get the "*,v" files moved

3. Before you commit any new code, please read this:

Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:30 PDT
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