amber-developers: problem with evb_input.f

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:11:32 -0700

On Mon, Mar 27, 2006, David Mathews wrote:
> Also, the current CVS tree will not compile for me on Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux (32 bit) using ifort 8.

What does "ifort -V" say? We need to the know the exact compiler version.

> ifort -c -w95 -mp1 -O0 -tpp7 -FR -o evb_input.o _evb_input.f
> fortcom: Error: _evb_input.f, line 749: Unbalanced parentheses
> , emap(n)% lambda, n = 1, nbias )
> ---------------------------------------------^
> fortcom: Error: _evb_input.f, line 747: Syntax error, found ',' when
> expecting o
> ne of: :
> write(6,'((5x,2(a,i4),a,2x,a,f10.5))') ( 'emap(', emap(n)% ist,
',' &
> ------------------------------------------------------^
> fortcom: Error: _evb_input.f, line 748: Syntax error, found ''' when
> expecting o
> , emap(n)% jst, ') ::', 'lambda = ' &
> -----------------------------^
> compilation aborted for _evb_input.f (code 1)

It's a little weird that your line numbers of different than mine....
The code in question was just added on 3/20, so it is certainly possible
that it has not been tested on all compilers.

Works for me, however, with ifort 8.1.023 (ia32), also with version

Also works fine with ifort version 9 on x86_64 and ia64 -- I don't seem to

have a machine here with ifort version 9 on ia32....

[Kim adopts a style that I dislike, of putting a space after the "%"
character. But this seems to be legal, if inelegant (and not correct for
the C equivalent). So, it could be something related to that.]

Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:34 PDT
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