Built yesterday, now seeing:
Error: Symbol ‘ischeme’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
if (ischeme == 1 .and. therm_par .gt. 0.0) ndfmin = 0
Error: Symbol ‘therm_par’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
Did not touch the FORTRAN in any way.
git blame sez:
e98a3df7d09 src/pmemd/src/prmtop_dat.F90 (HaifengZheng 2022-03-12
12:38:46 +0800 475) if (ischeme == 1 .and. therm_par .gt. 0.0) ndfmin = 0
e98a3df7d09 src/pmemd/src/prmtop_dat.F90 (HaifengZheng 2022-03-12
12:38:46 +0800 476)
Going to back out and create my 4th branch to do it all again, this sucks...
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Received on Thu Apr 07 2022 - 17:00:02 PDT