1. no date restrictions
2. yes I have extreme Zoom fatigue lately. short days are better.
3. I don't mind looking at slides in advance, but not sure I will follow
them without discussion unless people add lots of text. Andrés made a good
suggestion about advance recordings, I've done that for a few meetings
lately since internet can sometimes be unstable so they want a backup.
On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 9:28 AM David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> It's pretty clear that next Spring's Amber Developers' Meeting with be a
> virtual one. I'm soliciting suggestions for how to make this as useful
> as possible, and volunteers for helping with the organization.
> 1. Are there dates that are especially good or bad?
> 2. I personally favor shorter sessions (ca. 4 hours) over more dates,
> as opposed to longer sessions on fewer dates, but am eager to hear what
> others think about this.
> 3. We may not want to have 30+ talks, given the limited attention
> span one gets on Zoom or similar platforms. I'm thinking that most
> people could upload slides in advance. We would ask everyone to preview
> those, and most of the actual meeting time could be devoted to questions
> and discussion.
> 4. Please think hard about how we can increase gender and other
> diversity in our development group. We should invite a few outside
> folks to give invited talks, and suggestions for that are welcome.
> 5. Any other thoughts? I think we can just have a general discussion
> on this mailing list. (Hit "delete" or create a spam filter if you
> don't want the clutter in your in-box.) I'll summarize the discussion
> later.
> ...thx....dac
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Received on Fri Nov 13 2020 - 09:00:04 PST