[AMBER-Developers] SWAP size

From: Brent Krueger <kruegerb.hope.edu>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 08:21:30 -0400

AMBER friends,

Please forgive my mis-use of this mailing list. We've got a batch of new
compute nodes arriving soon and I've got a configuration issue I'm unsure
of. I'd appreciate gaining from the experience of this group of expert
computer users. I've done a fair bit of searching the usual web locations
and do not find any information that looks reliable, at least not with
regard to HPC applications.

After that long preamble, here is my question. For an HPC cluster that is
doing a blend of QM and MD jobs, what is the best setting for swap size? In
my specific case, our nodes will have 256GB of RAM and 2-4TB of SSD
storage. I can imagine doing something like 8GB to just give the system
some breathing room, but that seems so tiny relative to the 256GB of system
memory. So maybe it should be a bit larger, like 64GB? I think we are a
long way removed from the days when swap ~ RAM.

Anyway, I'm curious what other are using.

Again, sorry for the non-AMBER post. Hopefully this is either of value to
others or at least is a relaxing diversion from chasing lost pointers.


Brent P. Krueger  (he/him/his)......phone:   616 395 7629
Professor......................................fax:       616 395 7118
Hope College...............................Schaap Hall 2120
Department of Chemistry
Holland, MI     49423
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 12 2020 - 05:30:02 PDT
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