[AMBER-Developers] building pmemd with both openmp and mpi?

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:44:30 -0400

Does anyone have recent (or old) experience building pmemd with both mpi
and openmp set at the same time?

As far as I can see, the legacy build system doesn't allow this:
configure sets a target of 'ompmpi', but there is no such target in the
Makefile for pmemd.

With cmake, you can ask for both options at the same time, but that
tries to compile code (related to gti and GB) that looks to be illegal: see


So: does anyone know what is going on?

Related question: is anyone on the list ever using the -mic option with
pmemd? All the mic-related options are listed as "experimental" in the
help script for configure, but I'm not sure to what extent those are up
to date.

Another related question: is anyone on the list ever using the
-midpoint_spdp option with pmemd?


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 20 2020 - 06:00:03 PDT
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