Hi everyone:
1. The deadline for code updates that will be released in AmberTools19
is only 3+ weeks away. Please work to get updates in good shape, and
committed at gitlab.ambermd.org. Let me know if you have problems, or
expect any delays.
2. In getting caught up on journal reading lately, I came across nice
articles on SEBOMD, cpptraj and PDSA/GPU. *Please*, get these and other
papers that describe Amber (and illustrate how it can be used) into the
amber.bib file, and cited in the Amber.lyx file. Don't rely on me to
take care of this: part of your responsibility as Amber developers is to
point users in the right direction. You spent time and effort to write
and publish these (and other) papers--let's make sure that our users can
find them!
p.s. for those of you planning to attend the Tampa meeting in March:
please enter flight info on the wiki page:
I'll be getting a tentative speaking schedule posted soon; but be aware
that we have more attendees than we have had in the past, so there will
be pressure to keep talks short and to the point.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 08 2019 - 10:30:02 PST