Re: [AMBER-Developers] moving to LyX 2.3 for Amber.lyx

From: Scott Brozell <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 12:59:22 -0400


For those one or two developers that have been unable to get LyX
to work for them:
if you can be careful then use your favorite editor on Amber.lyx.

The level of carefulness needed when editing Amber.lyx manually
is about the same as the discipline needed to follow the golden
rule of programming style (which is to follow the existing style).

So if you are someone that is oblivious to indentation, or just
has to write "end do" when everyone else wrote "enddo", etc. then
Please Please Do NOT edit Amber.lyx manually.

For those that can be careful the main quirk of .lyx files is that
newlines are not word separators. So this is correct:
 If MTMDMULT=1 and the force constant is changing with step number, then
 the changes in the force constant will be effected by a series of multiplicativ
e scalings, using a single factor, R, for all scalings.

And this is not:
 If MTMDMULT=1 and the force constant is changing with step number, then
the changes in the force constant will be effected by a series of multiplicative
scalings, using a single factor, R, for all scalings.
The latter contains two mistakes and will result in this text:
If MTMDMULT=1 and the force constant is changing with step number, thenthe
changes in the force constant will be effected by a series of
multiplicativescalings, using a single factor, R, for all scalings.


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 08:34:50AM -0400, David A Case wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I think the LyX 2.3 (current version) train has left the station, and
> you will need to use this new version for future edits to the Amber.lyx
> documentation file.
> See for info on how to download and install the current
> version.
> [Those with good memories may remember that I threatened to convert to
> OverLeaf at some point. I'm still gaining experience with that online
> resource, but am not yet convinced that it will work well for a complex
> 900+ page document like the Amber Reference Manual. So I cannot say
> if/when we might make that conversion, but people will get plenty of
> advance notice. LyX has its downsides, and one or two developers have
> been unable to get it work for them. But for the most part, I think it
> has served us well: non-latex people can make edits, and the program
> enforces a certain latex style.]

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Received on Tue Jun 12 2018 - 10:00:01 PDT
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