On Sat, Mar 24, 2018, Ross Walker wrote:
> Just change
> nvccflags="$sm20flags $sm30flags $sm50flags $sm52flags $sm53flags
> $sm60flags $sm61flags"
I think you are looking at an old version of configure2.
> Note we should also be sure to enable CUDA 9.1 support in configure2.
Same idea: cuda 9.1 is being tested (see wiki page) and seems to be OK.
Basic idea that needs testing: Is there a way for an executable
compiled without $sm20flags to figure out is being run on a pre-kepler
GPU, and exit gracefully with a useful error message?
[Note: this is pretty low priority: I'd rather see RC3 tests on
different GPUs, and compiled with different versions of nvcc.
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Received on Sat Mar 24 2018 - 19:00:04 PDT