[AMBER-Developers] getting ready for the Amber18 release

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2018 12:09:49 -0500

Hi everyone:

We are about to make futher steps toward the April release. Please try
to get things committed real soon, and follow this instruction:

***Please don't commit (for now) anything to the master branches at either
git.ambermd.org or at github.com/amber-md that you don't intend for the
upcoming April release.***

In a couple of days, I'll create an amber18-with-patches directory,
which will be the branch from which release-candidate tarballs are
created. At some point, I'll replace the submodules with their actual
contents (so that amber18-with-patches won't use submodules any more.)
[Jason: are there gotchas I should think about at this step?]

After that point, I'll be (carefully?) cherry-picking what goes into
amber18-with-patches. But it still adds extra work (and more chance for
error) if there are commits that should not be cherry-picked. Besides, I
hope people are concentrating for the next month just on issues related to
the release. I'll let you know when we can go back to master commits that
go beyond the current release.

Other emails and pleas for help will be coming to the amber-developers
list soon.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 06 2018 - 09:30:02 PST
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