Interesting post there from Scott, and with a fun fact if you read to the
end... we can discriminate fossil-origin CO2 from that produced by burning
modern plants because fossil CO2 didn't get isotopically enriched by the
run of nuclear explosions since 1945. How convenient that we have been
timestamping our plant matter at regular intervals! Well gee whizz you
live and learn
On 1 June 2017 at 19:58, Scott Brozell <> wrote:
> Hi,
> There have been news report on climate change denialism material being sent
> from the Heartland Institute:
> booklets-landing-mailboxes-thousands-teachers/
> It appears that the Ohio State Univ. Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
> has received such material (I am far offsite and have not seen it
> directly).
> Here is an article in the Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 41, May/June 2017
> by David J. Helfand on information-sense (my term, intended to be
> contrasted with common sense). It contains a presentation of some facts and
> basic chemical concepts involved in producing the stepwise conclusion that
> "the dominant component of the CO2 currently being added to the
> atmosphere arises from the burning of fossil fuel."
> scott
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