[AMBER-Developers] Second release candidate for AmberTools17

From: David Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 11:26:47 -0400

Hi everyone:

1. The second release candidate for AmberTools17 is here:


   This *should* be the same as what is in the amber17-with-patches branch
   at git.ambermd.org. But use the tarball for testing, since that is
   what users will actually download.

2. Once we are ready to release, the "update_amber --upgrade" script will
   be functional, but this is not ready yet for testing.

3. Please post testing results here, indicating that you are using the
   "02apr17" tarball:


   It would be helpful for someone to try Intel compilers without MKL
   (neither setting MKL_HOME nor using the -mkl flag.)

   Not sure what we should do with all the PGI errors. Two questions:
     a. do the pmemd tests pass with PGI compilers?
     b. what are the arguments in favor of continuing to support PGI?
         e.g.: some machines have only those compilers(?)
               better performance for cpptraj and/or pmemd(?)
               something else?


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 03 2017 - 08:30:03 PDT
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