Hi Jason,
I'll test pmemd CUDA flags with PBSA.
On 3/11/17 12:49, Jason Swails wrote:
> I saw the same thing as Dan. I needed to add -lstdc++ to the linker line
> to resolve this.
> It seems either your gfortran build links the C++ libraries on its own or
> it doesn't. If it does, then everything will work. If it doesn't, you get
> the error unless you explicitly link libstdc++. We saw exactly the same
> problem with pmemd.cuda in the early days and spent a fair bit of effort
> iterating over the available compilers and options and such before we
> finally got something that works. Look at line 1406 of configure2 and
> you'll see fc_cxx_link_flag being added to the CUDA library. Note that not
> all compilers use libstdc++, though (which is why fc_cxx_link_flag exists
> and changes based on your compiler choice).
> I *highly* recommend specifying flags in configure rather than hardcoding
> them in the Makefile. In fact, I would recommend just trying the pmemd
> CUDA flags and see if that works. If not, you may need to add another
> variable for PBSA's CUDA libraries.
> All the best,
> Jason
> On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Ray Luo <rluo.uci.edu> wrote:
>> From Ruxi ...
>> It's strange our gnu 4.8.2 with cuda-7.5 on gpu-1-1 passed the tests,
>> even I
>> didn't use -lstdc++.
>> Best,
>> Ruxi
>> On Mar 11, 2017 11:59 AM, Ray Luo <rluo.uci.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks for spotting this! Will fix it soon.
>> Ray
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