[AMBER-Developers] Looking for programming- and simulation-savvy postdocs

From: Michael R Shirts <Michael.Shirts.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 23:56:33 +0000

Hi, all-

Apologies for the heresy of soliciting for non-AMBER development! I consulted with some of the list maintainers on the appropriateness, recognizing this list would have plenty of people who were or knew of qualified individuals for these positions. Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested.

I am hiring a postdoc in my group on an NIH-sponsored collaborative project to improve GROMACS robustness and functionality, in collaboration with Peter Kasson at the University of Virginia and the main development team in Sweden. The work involves statistical physics to test and diagnose simulation validity, improving the testing framework, and adding new Monte Carlo and hybrid Monte Carlo sampling methods. Strong software engineering skills are a must, and we would particularly appreciate active members of the molecular simulation development community. As always, members of groups under-represented in the molecular simulation field are especially encouraged to apply. Please refer anyone you think appropriate or have them apply at the link below. Official job description follows:


    The Shirts research group in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is hiring a highly capable research associate to help develop the GROMACS molecular simulation package. GROMACS is an open-source project with a strong international development community as well as a 10,000+ user base. This position is part of a new NIH funded collaborative effort between the Shirts group and the Kasson group (at the University of Virginia) to improve the robustness, functionality, and usability of GROMACS, offering the candidate the opportunity to positively affect the work of thousands of researchers across the globe. Candidates will have the opportunity to learn state-of-the-art simulation methodology and work collaboratively with a global team of developers.

    This position requires a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Computer Science or a related field. It requires very strong statistical mechanical, molecular simulation and theoretical skills, as well as significant software engineering experience and ability. Experience in C++ and Python is preferred, as well as experience with version control, code review systems, and team-oriented software development. Competitive candidates will have a track record of scientific success in graduate study with a strong publication record.
    Apply at https://cu.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=05979&lang=en&sns_id=mailto#.V5DS-mZVNX8.mailto

Michael Shirts
Associate Professor
Phone: (303) 735-7860
Office: JSCBB C123
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Oct 12 2016 - 17:00:02 PDT
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