[AMBER-Developers] reminder about updates

From: David A Case <david.case.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 20:57:37 -0400

This is just a reminder to all to follow the procedures for creating updates to
Amber and AmberTools here:


In particular, proposed updates should be run by me before posting to the web
site. This is just an extra sanity check, that some independent person
also thinks that your update is both clean and appropriate. Also, I'm
trying hard to make sure that the amber16-with-patches branch remains fully
in sync with what users actually have. We've had problems like this in the

[A note: it makes my life a little easier if you do item #12 on the list
before emailing me the proposed update. But either way is fine.]


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Jun 21 2016 - 18:00:02 PDT
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