Re: [AMBER-Developers] git logs and squashing commits

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:14:47 -0800

I will add to this... If we want to switch the entire git repository and development approach over to git hub and make this the single point of contact for development this is something we can consider. But it is something that should be discussed between the development team and then the executive team should make a decision which will bind everyone involved in AMBER development. This will also include determining the costs of having a privately hosted repository on git hub and will need to be budgeted appropriately. As such clear pros and cons should be put forward as arguments for and against and a decision made. This also includes a plan for what happens should github disappear - which is very possible given it is burning through VC money at a rate of knots.

The piece meal approach is not appropriate and appears unprofessional in my opinion.

All the best

> On Feb 24, 2016, at 11:59 AM, Ross Walker <> wrote:
>> On Feb 24, 2016, at 11:32 AM, Hai Nguyen <> wrote:
>> hi,
>> We only squash commits for cpptraj, pytraj and parmed when pulling commits
>> from github repos. Last year pytraj has > 1000 commits, cpptraj > 1000
>> commits, parmed > 1000 commits . If not squashing to few big commits, amber
>> git log will be populated and even more difficult to debug other programs.
> I don't see the issue? These would be relevant to the files in those packages. So if I did git log ./foo I would not see all those logs so it wouldn't be an issue.
>> So if anyone wants to 'git blame', ... any files in those packages, he/she
>> should check corresponding github repo
> No no no! - this is not acceptable. We have centralized servers for AMBER. If you want to use external providers fine but it is not acceptable to require other AMBER developers to go there. This issue needs to be fixed before it gets out of hand and I am prepared to make an executive decision on this.
> Ross

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 24 2016 - 12:30:04 PST
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