Yep, got it. The amber.css file I pushed hasn't been published to the main
tree. Whoever does those things needs to fix that for starters.
On 7 March 2014 16:33, Josh Berryman <>wrote:
> I can recreate this by going to firefox
> 27.0.1 (latest I think), however the same file opened locally displays
> just fine.
> wget and diff confirm that they are identical, so maybe some cacheing
> somewhere is just a bit buggered up. Otherwise the interaction between the
> repo and the actual tree which is put online may be a source of problems, I
> have no idea how this works and no way to access it.
> Can someone do a fresh git clone of the amber_web and see if everything is
> OK for them (as it is for me, barring a few, different, image files that
> are missing from the repo)?
> I noticed it took a couple of days for the favicons to show up properly,
> possibly this is just a case of things needing to soak in, but I would
> prefer to be sure that I am not the only one for whom a clean checkout of
> the repo displays as it should.
> Josh
> On 7 March 2014 15:20, David A Case <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 07, 2014, Josh Berryman wrote:
>> >
>> > Well I've done B1 now.
>> Thanks to Josh for starting this...please look at the git log commits for
>> comments on how to be using the new CSS items.
>> However, for me, the tutorials index page still renders incorrectly on
>> both
>> Firefox and Chrome browsers (Mac 10.9.2).
>> My Chrome is Version 34.0.1847.45 beta
>> My Firefox is 27.0.1
>> both claim to be up to date. Problem is that none of the images after B4
>> show up on the page. Safari seems OK.
>> Firefox 24.0 on Ubuntu (virtual machine) seems fine.
>> Does anyone else see this behavior? One of my Mac's is almost brand new--
>> not sure how I would have mis-configured two of its browsers....
>> ....dac
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Received on Fri Mar 07 2014 - 08:00:03 PST