FYI We have a job opening in my group for someone interested in developing and maintaining large simulation and modeling codes (sounds like what we do with AMBER!). To find it go to the following link: jobs.msu.edu and click on Search Postings and search for posting 8791. If you know of someone interested in this position please let them know. They should apply via this web site, but can also contact me directly if they have any questions about the position. This position has a large research component, so if I can hire someone with AMBER experience this research effort could continue under the auspices of this position.
Take care and see you in January!
Kenneth M. Merz, Jr.
Director, Institute for Cyber Enabled Research (iCER)
Joseph Zichis Chair in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Michigan State University
578 S. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824-1322
Phone: 517-355-9715 (Chemistry)
517-884-2540 (iCER)
517-353-7248 (Fax)
Cell: 814-360-0376
e-mail: kmerz1.gmail.com
iCER Help: https://contact.icer.msu.edu/contact
However, one should bear in mind that a macromolecular refinement against high resolution data is never finished, only abandoned.
George Sheldrick (2008), Acta Crystallogr. D64 112–122.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Dec 05 2013 - 18:00:02 PST