Hello Devs,
I'm making an API for mdgx, which will allow users writing other C and C++
programs to #include "mdgx.h" and gain access to topology reading, force
and energy calculation, and numerous other features of mdgx. I am writing
a new library Wrappers.c to write functions that assist in the setup and
default initialization of some complex structs; this will allow users to
get started with little more than the names of their topology and
coordinates file. The mdgx.h file will list all of the functions and
currently has declarations of all the necessary structs. However, the
declarations in mdgx.h are copies of the struct declarations found in
various other header files, so that I can place mdgx.h in the /include/
directory when mdgx and libmdgx.a get made.
Right now I get weird segmentation faults when I try to run test programs
that #include "mdgx.h" Further analysis with valgrind shows very odd
memory errors. The trouble, I think, is that when I edit the code I
sometimes make changes to the structs in the header files pertinent to the
mdgx executable. If I do not explicitly copy these changes over to
mdgx.h, the sizes of structs expected by the mdgx library functions and
the calls in another program no longer line up. Does this sound like I'm
on the right track?
Now, I'm not exactly sure how to solve this. One option, perhaps, would
be to have make "cat >>" all of the ???DS.h header files (where all my
DataStructs are stored) and then cat the declarations of the functions I
wish to expose into mdgx.h, creating that file at run time rather than
have it reside in the AmberTools/src/mdgx/ directory as something that is
purely manually edited. I would have to do some stuff to remove #include
statements within the header files, but this approach may still be error
prone. Can anyone else suggest a robust solution?
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Received on Fri Apr 26 2013 - 16:30:03 PDT