On Tue, Mar 20, 2012, Scott wrote:
> >
> > I've been stalled several times in the last few days because
> > amber/include never gets cleaned.
It does with "make uninstall" (at least as far as I can see), and "make
uninstall" should always be done when you are changing compilers, or at least
that is the idea:
1. if you fail to do a "make uninstall" upon changing compilers, mpi, fftw,
netcdf, and other configurations might not reflect new choices;
2. if you want "make clean" to clean lib and include, you will
slow down re-compiling if you haven't changed compilers.
So, the idea (perhaps this should be in the manual) is that "make clean"
forces a recompile (sometimes helpful if dependencies are not quite right);
"make uninstall" should be used when changing compilers.
[If you want to keep more than one compiled version around, mv amber's
bin, lib, include and share directories to a new tree location before the
"make uninstall" step].
And, if "make uninstall" is missing something, please fix it, but I've tried
to be on top of that.
p.s.: I suppose we could have an argument/discussion about exactly what
"make clean" should do, but that seems something to hold off until after the
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Received on Tue Mar 20 2012 - 18:00:02 PDT