[AMBER-Developers] Ubuntu and MPI home directory

From: Scott Le Grand <varelse2005.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 07:32:30 -0800

I just finished helping a guy get AMBER compiling on a Ubuntu 11.10
system. In the process I learned that the configure script:

1) Sets the location of mpi.h to $MPI_HOME/include where MPI_HOME is either
defined or determined from the directory containing mpif90.

This does not work on Ubuntu if MPI has been installed through the OS:

Amazon Linux:
which mpif90

which works

Ubuntu with explicitly installed MPI (my work system):
which mpif90

also works

which mpif90

which obviously doesn't work...

2) Linking order matters.

On this machine:

./cuda/cuda.a -lcurand -lcufft -lcudart


-lcurand -lcufft -lcudart ./cuda/cuda.a

does not work.

I'm happy to change configure to reflect #2 as that seems harmless. But
I'm awfully leery about addressing #1 as that seems fraught with peril.

Any ideas?

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 09 2012 - 08:00:02 PST
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