Hi all,
There is now a dedicated machine for the Cruise Control automated build
system that has been updated to reflect the new Amber 12 build process. The
dashboard is now located at cc.ambermd.org/dashboard, so please update your
bookmarks accordingly.
Build logs and the config.h file for each project are available under the
Logs and Artifacts tabs, and the errors and warnings are nicely formatted
as well. Test cases will be implemented very soon and will have their logs
available for download. Formatting them so that they appear under the Test
Cases tab may take quite a bit longer.
A build is triggered every time the tree is updated, and currently
everything is working fine except for the CUDA parallel builds, which fail
*** No rule to make target `libFpbsa.cuda_parallel', needed by
`libFpbsa.a'. Stop.
I'm not sure if this is a problem with the machine configuration or
the dependencies in the Makefile.
Robin Betz
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 07 2012 - 13:00:03 PST