[AMBER-Developers] It's astounding.....time is fleeting....

From: David A Case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 10:58:55 -0500

Hi everyone:

We need to pick up the pace of getting material submitted for the Amber12
release. Some of the major items on my mental list:

Junmei: updates to antechamber

Ray, Qin, Tyler, etc: get rid of fftw2; don't put pbsa into parallel sander
   or parallel NAB. [My personal preference is not to have the fft solver,
   since it doesn't seem to work very well.]

Yong: code and force field files and documentation for pol12

James, Carlos: documentation for ff12SB

Tyler, Dave: final updates to rism and mdgx

Everyone: updates to the author and contributor lists
          updates to the Users' manual
          updates to the tutorials

Next (final!?!?!) code freeze will be Feb. 15. Requests for excpetions
will need exceptional justification. We can probably make changes to the
documentation for a week or two after that.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Thu Jan 26 2012 - 08:00:04 PST
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