On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 01:47:43PM -0500, David A Case wrote:
> I wonder if we should
> consider having a test suite for developers, but perhaps a smaller one
> (leaving out a few really big tests) for users. Or, are there existing
> tests that are actually redundant for everyone?
> Among other problems, we have
> users with limited bandwidth Internet connections.
> I think the first step is for people to look for things (especially but not
> exclusively in the test directories) that might be removed. You can edit
Yes to all of the above which is basically spring cleaning.
As far as the test suite, my feeling is that we should distribute
one focused to answer:
1. did program x get installed,
2. does program x work for tried and true basic functionality,
3. does program x work with the latest and greatest new functionality.
The first two could amount to one or a very small number
of tests. The third should probably be close to the
developer test suite. And the dev suite should be
downloadable and fitable to be runable.
A good reason not to do this would be empirical data
showing that a myriad of tests found a myriad of problems post release.
My feeling is that the reflector does provide such data.
Another good reason not to do this would be if the tests
really do provide good examples.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 21 2011 - 14:30:03 PST