Hi everyone:
As some of you may know, the size of the Amber and AmberTools
distributions have grown a lot in the last two years. Some of this is
inevitable, and most of it is in the test cases. I wonder if we should
consider having a test suite for developers, but perhaps a smaller one
(leaving out a few really big tests) for users. Or, are there existing
tests that are actually redundant for everyone?
For example: as of now, the Amber tarball (just the equivalent of what
we have now, not the giant combined thing Ross seems to want) is 777
Mbytes uncompressed, 121 Mbytes compressed. AmberTools is 882 Mbytes
uncompressed, and 146 Mbytes compressed. Among other problems, we have
users with limited bandwidth Internet connections.
I think the first step is for people to look for things (especially but not
exclusively in the test directories) that might be removed. You can edit
the "exlcudes" or "excludes_at" files if you want to leave certain things in
the git repo, but not have them sent to users.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Wed Dec 21 2011 - 11:00:03 PST