On Mon, Jul 12, 2010, Jason Swails wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone could tell me the proper way to cite AmberTools
> (1.4). There's citation information for Amber 11 on ambermd.org, but
> nothing for AmberTools. Hopefully they can be cited together, rather than
> citing each program separately?
We don't have such a beast now; I'm not really sure how to put one together,
since the "tools" are a fairly loose collection of items. My preference is
still to cite individual programs, but I'm open to suggestions here.
David A. Case | email:
BioMaPS Institute and Dept. of | case.biomaps.rutgers.edu
Chemistry & Chemical Biology | fax: +1-732-445-5958
Rutgers University | phone: +1-732-445-5885
610 Taylor Rd. |
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087 USA | http://casegroup.rutgers.edu
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Received on Mon Jul 19 2010 - 04:30:03 PDT