On Mon, Jul 12, 2010, Ben Roberts wrote:
> I think some of the paths given in patch files for Amber 11 (bugfixes 1
> through 5) may need to be tweaked.
Patches in bugfix.all should be set up to run from the $AMBERHOME directory:
that is, the first part of the directory path should be something that is
directly under $AMBERHOME.
> Second, the files to be patched by bugfixes 3 to 5 have wrong paths.
> bugfix.3 tries to patch amber11/src/pmemd/mdin_ctrl_dat.fpp; the path
> should, I think, be src/pmemd/src/mdin_ctrl_dat.fpp.
> bugfixes 4 and 5 try to patch amber11/src/pmemd/src/gpu.cpp; should the
> path be src/pmemd/src/cuda/gpu.cpp?
I don't see these errors. Apparently, you are talking about not the patch
itself, but the comments at the top of the patch. This is the same format
we have been using for many years, but I guess it is confusing to you. The
comments are meant for someone manually applying a single patch, and it seems
to me to be straightforward in telling a human user which file is being
changed. Unlike the case with the bugfix.all files, the individual files
don't have a convention of needing to be run from $AMBERHOME.
I guess we are assuming that people applying individual patches know what
they are doing, which may be wrong. But it would be helpful to know *exactly*
what change you propose to make things clearer.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 12 2010 - 10:00:05 PDT