On Tue, May 11, 2010 17:48, case wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010, Jason Swails wrote:
>> As far as I can tell, there's only a master branch in the git repo for
>> now,
>> and we do not yet have access to this for committing... (from what I
>> gathered from Mark's email).
> Both the "master" branch and the "amber11" branch are definitely there,
> but
> maybe there is some additional incantation needed to get them both -- does
> "git clone" only get the master branch? Can any git guru help Jason out
> here?
Quick googling reveals:
git branch -r <-- lists remote branches
git checkout amber11 <-- does what it says
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue May 11 2010 - 16:00:03 PDT