[AMBER-Developers] Amber10 Cuda compile failure

From: Mark Williamson <mjw.sdsc.edu>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:23:57 -0700

Robert Duke wrote:
> Well, don't know if someone has dinked up the source but I use gbl_ as a
> "global" prefix, not glb_, which is at least what shows up below...
> Regards - Bob Duke

Weird... looking more closely at this, there seems to be a discrepancy
between the encompassing bugfix.all patch and the specific bugfix.31 patch:

  wget http://ambermd.org/bugfixes/10.0/bugfix.31
  wget http://ambermd.org/bugfixes/10.0/bugfix.all

  [15:16][bunny:2.09][mjw:woo]$ grep "natex(:)" *
  bugfix.31:+ gbl_natex(:) = 0
  bugfix.all:+ glb_natex(:) = 0

Hence apply bugfix.all will actually break the build. I'm not sure how
this happened?



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Received on Mon Apr 12 2010 - 15:30:03 PDT
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