On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 07:37:20AM -0400, case wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010, Daniel Roe wrote:
> >
> > Just out of curiosity what was wrong with the dacdif lines? The neb tests
> > are working fine for me (see below).
> The dacdif script is rather primitive (does not use getopts, etc.). So it
> wants the "-a" option to precede the file name arguments. I think in your
> case, it must actually be ignoring the "-a" option, but your output matches
> the inputs anyway(?). In any event, it is certainly safer to put the "-a"
> option before the filenames; I'd have to put a lot of print statements into
> the script to figure what is really going on with the versions you had.
dacdif uses getopt. on a vanilla linux dacdif works fine regardless of
the position of the options.
My guess is that the issue is one of getopt compatibility on your mac.
Note that getopt was added to dacdif instead of getopts due to problems with
the latter on some old platforms.
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Received on Wed Mar 31 2010 - 14:30:04 PDT