On 30/3/2010, at 10:34 p.m., case wrote:
>> Then, once the compilation was finished, with RISM, every single NAB
>> test failed, with missing symbols:
> This is weird, and not what I have seen. I'm assuming(?) you added -rismmpi
> to the command line.
Correct, though I think I also added -mpi. (I'm using my own build of OpenMPI.)
I did, however, do a "make clean" in between times.
In any case, I've rebuilt without -rismmpi for the time being.
For my own purposes, rism isn't a "must-have" feature, but I'm willing to do
the build/test on my Mac, with the git repo or the next RC as appropriate.
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Received on Wed Mar 31 2010 - 09:30:05 PDT