[AMBER-Developers] AmberTools.lyx vs AmberTools.pdf

From: Timothy J Giese <giese025.umn.edu>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 15:14:59 -0500

I'm looking at AmberTools.lyx and AmberTools.pdf.
AmberTools.pdf has a section on sqm and the namelist
options. I'm not seeing that section in AmberTools.lyx.

Question: (1) Has it disappeared on purpose or (2) is it that
the documentation is a complete rewrite and nobody has
started writing that section? Or (3) maybe I'm looking at the
wrong file (It says AmberTools Users' Manual Version 1.0
at the top)?

I'm supposed to be editing some stuff in the
&qmmm namelist section of the sqm code, and I got myself
really confused here... I'm coming in pretty late in the game.

If it's the case where it's a total rewrite and nobody
has started yet, then I guess I'll just copy and paste
from the PDF file of the previous version and then
try to format it in a way that's consistent with the
remaining sections.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 23 2010 - 13:30:03 PDT
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