[AMBER-Developers] getting there(!?!)

From: case <case.biomaps.rutgers.edu>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 14:07:00 -0400

If I call my Mac OSX 10.5 gnu 4.4.1 machine a "gold standard" (is it *my*
workhorse machine), here is where we currently stand for tests:

Finished test suite for AmberTools at Sat Mar 20 11:07:29 EDT 2010.

     295 file comparisons passed
       0 file comparisons failed
       0 tests experienced errors

Finished serial test suite for Amber 11 at Sat Mar 20 11:38:33 EDT 2010.

     475 file comparisons passed
       0 file comparisons failed
       0 tests experienced errors

I'm still getting problems in parallel: mostly trivial (I've emailed Mark
about a state.f problem), but there is a ti_decomp error [which *looks* like
just an outdated .save file] and possibly still an EVB problem. But even
here, I think we are getting a lot closer.

I'm also assuming that all code is in, except for possible CUDA updates.
(We have igb8, mark's state.f, and tyler's recent mpi-rism updates
in.) Please let me know if this is not true. All CVS commit access is
scheduled to be turned off on Monday (except for the doc directory); after
that point, the CVS tree will not even represent the most up-to-date version,
so you'll have to wait for release candidates.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Sat Mar 20 2010 - 11:30:03 PDT
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