RE: [AMBER-Developers] PMEMD missing type?

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:35:27 -0800

Hi Ben

> However, it seems that others have beaten me to it. Is the general
> feeling that the Intel compilers are just stricter than they were (and
> the code is doing something non-standard), or rather that the compilers
> are themselves broken?

This is almost certainly a compiler bug. As a workaround though could you
try changing the following:

  integer natom, ntypes, nbonh, ntheth, nphih, next, nres, &
                        nbona, ntheta, nphia, numbnd, numang, nptra, nphb, &
                        ifbox, ifcap, nspm, numextra, ncopy, nttyp, &
                        bonda_idx, anglea_idx, diheda_idx, &
                        gbl_bond_allocsize, gbl_angle_allocsize, &
                        gbl_dihed_allocsize, next_mult_fac, &
                        nub, nubtypes, &
                        nimphi, nimprtyp, &
                        gbl_angle_ub_allocsize, gbl_dihed_imp_allocsize,&
                        cmap_term_count, cmap_type_count, &


  integer, public :: natom, ntypes, nbonh, ntheth, nphih, next, nres, &
                        nbona, ntheta, nphia, numbnd, numang, nptra, nphb, &
                        ifbox, ifcap, nspm, numextra, ncopy, nttyp, &
                        bonda_idx, anglea_idx, diheda_idx, &
                        gbl_bond_allocsize, gbl_angle_allocsize, &
                        gbl_dihed_allocsize, next_mult_fac, &
                        nub, nubtypes, &
                        nimphi, nimprtyp, &
                        gbl_angle_ub_allocsize, gbl_dihed_imp_allocsize,&
                        cmap_term_count, cmap_type_count, &

and see if this stops the compiler complaining.

All the best

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 09 2010 - 13:00:02 PST
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