Can you do a quick comment, which version of cygwin are you using and how you solved the problem
that the dacdif script in the test directory uses an old version of getopt (posix 1 ?!) which is not supported on that
platform any more?
You are running the test as well, right?
On Mar 4, 2010, at 12:49 PM, Daniel Roe wrote:
> I am still able to compile AmberTools (serial and parallel) on cygwin with
> gcc/gfortran:
> gcc (GCC) 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
> GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Scott Brozell <sbrozell.rci.rutgers.edu>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> quick comments.
>> On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 12:30:25PM -0800, Ross Walker wrote:
>>> I thought I would post an overview of the current state of the CVS tree,
>> as
>>> seen on my RHEL4 machine (which incidentally builds AMBER 10 fine and as
>> of
>>> a month or so ago built AMBER 11 fine). I am hoping some volunteers will
>> try
>>> to go through and address some of these issues.
>>> 1) Attempt 1 - Using GNU compilers - Serial
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> cvs co amber11
>>> export AMBERHOME=~/cvs_checkouts/amber11
>>> gcc -v
>>> gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11)
>>> gfortran -v
>>> gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)
>> different gnu versions is asking for trouble.
>>> ./configure gnu
>>> make -f Makefile_at
>>> ...
>>> gcc -o rdparm main.o rdparm.o dispatch.o help.o utility.o second.o io.o
>>> trajectory.o netcdf_ptraj.o parallel_ptraj.o evec.o torsion.o mask.o
>> rms.o
>>> display.o interface.o energy.o experimental.o ptraj.o actions.o analyze.o
>>> thermo.o pubfft.o cluster.o clusterLib.o
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/lib/libpdb.a
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/lib/arpack.a
>>> -L/opt/intel/mkl/ -Wl,--start-group
>>> /opt/intel/mkl/
>>> /opt/intel/mkl/
>>> /opt/intel/mkl/ -Wl,--end-group
>> -lpthread
>>> -lgfortran ../netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a -lm
>>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgfortran
>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> locate libgfortran
>>> /usr/lib64/libgfortran.so.1
>>> ...
>>> /usr/lib/libgfortran.so.1
>>> ...
>>> etc
>>> Removing -lgfortan gives
>>> thermo.o(.text+0x395): In function `thermo_':
>>> : undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_write'
>>> ...
>>> As well as lots of arpack.a issues:
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/lib/arpack.a(dsgets.o)(.text+0x5d): In
>>> function `dsgets_':
>>> : undefined reference to `_gfortran_compare_string'
>>> Which are related I guess.
>> does this work if u use the same gnu versions ?
>>> So giving up on AMBERTools and just going on to building AMBER - Knowing
>> of
>>> course that mm_pbsa won't compile since it now needs nab so requires
>>> AMBERTools to have been built properly first. One used to be able to
>> build
>>> AMBER as a standalone.
>>> make
>>> This works. make -j8 also works.
>>> cd ../test
>>> make
>>> This gives (non-benign) failures for (TEST failures file is attached):
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_ANALYSIS
>>> possible FAILURE: check monitor.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_ANALYSIS
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_FLOODING
>>> possible FAILURE: check monitor.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_FLOODING
>>> possible FAILURE: check umbrella.ncdump.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_FLOODING
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_UMBRELLA
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_UMBRELLA
>>> possible FAILURE: check monitor.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/abmd_UMBRELLA
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/smd
>>> possible FAILURE: check smd.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/smd
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/pmd
>>> possible FAILURE: check pmd.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/pmd
>>> possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/smd2
>>> possible FAILURE: check work.txt.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ncsu/smd2
>>> All of these have the error:
>>>> ** NCSU-Error ** : expected list value for key 'i', got '<EMPTY>'
>> instead
>>> The rest are just minor difference. Things not being updated for AMBER 11
>>> being printed in the output, roundoff etc.
>> There are test crashes with other compilers:
>> pgi 9.0.4
>> cd mtmdtest && ./Run.mtmdtest
>> SANDER: Multiply-targeted MD, new to AMBER 11
>> Tested on an RNA duplex.
>> ./Run.mtmdtest: Program error
>> make: [test.sander.BASIC] Error 1 (ignored)
>> NAN's in the energies; i'll probably submit a bug report after a quick
>> look.
>>> 2) Attempt 1 - Using GNU compilers - Parallel
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>> cd $AMBERHOME/src
>>> ./configure -mpi gnu
>>> Fails because of needing yacc from a successful AMBER tools build. Even
>>> though this is NOT needed for building AMBER in parallel. Hacking out the
>> if
>>> statement and proceeding:
>>> which mpif90
>>> /server-home/netbin/mpi/mpich2-1.0.7-gfortran-4.1.2/bin/mpif90
>>> make -f Makefile_at clean
>>> make clean
>>> make parallel (This works, -j8 also works after I updated the depend
>> file)
>>> cd ../test
>>> make clean
>>> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 2'
>>> make test.parallel
>>> This gives the following non-benign errors:
>>> cd dhfr && ./Run.dhfr.noboxinfo
>>> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0[cli_0]:
>> aborting
>>> job:
>>> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
>>> rank 0 in job 18 caffeine.sdsc.edu_59236 caused collective abort of
>> all
>>> ranks
>>> exit status of rank 0: return code 1
>>> diffing mdout.dhfr.noboxinfo.save with mdout.dhfr.noboxinfo
>>> This is the correct error since this just tests that the code prints an
>>> error about the box info being missing from the inpcrd file and quits but
>> it
>>> may confuse the user.
>>> possible FAILURE: check trajene.out.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/trajene_box
>>> < 1 -9.4141E+3 1.7335E+1 7.4542E+1 N 7
>>>> 1 -9.4141E+3 1.7335E+1 7.4541E+1 N 7
>>> < VDWAALS = 1371.5986 EEL = -11615.0228 HBOND =
>> 0.
>>>> VDWAALS = 1371.7742 EEL = -11615.1955 HBOND =
>> 0.
>>> < minimization completed, ENE=-0.94141269E+4 RMS= 0.173345E+2
>>>> minimization completed, ENE=-0.94141240E+4 RMS= 0.173348E+2
>>> This is benign I think but we have lots of precision in the output files
>>> which will always cause problems.
>>> possible FAILURE: check out.0.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/softcore/min
>>> 210c210
>>> < 100 -8.9414E+3 1.6490E+1 4.6223E+1 O 40
>>>> 100 -8.9463E+3 1.6490E+1 4.6223E+1 O 40
>>> < VDWAALS = 937.0834 EEL = -9878.4642 HBOND =
>> 0.
>>>> VDWAALS = 932.1686 EEL = -9878.4642 HBOND =
>> 0.
>>> < DV/DL = -0.6676
>>> < SC_VDW = -0.3007 SC_EEL = 0. SC_DERIV=
>> -10.4972
>>>> SC_VDW = -0.3007 SC_EEL = 0. SC_DERIV= 0.
>>> This is uncomfortably different. Same with
>>> possible FAILURE: check out.1.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/softcore/min
>>> possible FAILURE: check ti_decomp_1.out.dif
>>> /home/rcw/cvs_checkouts/amber11/test/ti_decomp
>>> Lots of issues here.
>>> As before NONE of the NCSU test cases work.
>>> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4'
>>> make test.parallel.4proc
>>> Just about EVERY SINGLE test case fails here. See the attached
>>> TEST_FAILURES.diff.4cpu_gnu
>>> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 8'
>>> make test.parallel.8proc
>>> Both NEB tests fail - See attached TEST_FAILURES.diff.8cpu_gnu
>>> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 32'
>>> make test.parallel.32proc
>>> This test fails.
>>> So is anybody actually regularly running the parallel tests?
>> Not me and the parallel tests have been in a poor state for a long time.
>>> I'll provide an overview of the situation with the Intel compiler
>> shortly. I
>>> would encourage people to start looking at what they may have done to
>> break
>>> some of the parallel test cases. In particular the softcore stuff and
>> also
>>> why none of the NCSU stuff works.
>>> 3) Attempt 1 - Using GNU compilers - Cuda
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> make clean
>>> make -f Makefile_at clean
>>> ./configure -cuda gnu
>>> make -j8 cuda (This works)
>>> cd ../test
>>> make test.serial.cuda
>>> These all pass with the exception of dhfr_min which is a known problem.
>> scott
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Received on Thu Mar 04 2010 - 13:00:08 PST