[AMBER-Developers] Build of AmberTools failed in libnab.a

From: Ben Roberts <roberts.qtp.ufl.edu>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 17:47:52 -0500


Following Ross' advice this afternoon, I tried building Makefile_at
with -j8 (8-core Mac Pro).

Using: Intel 11.1.076, Mac OS X 10.6

I got this response in due course:

/Applications/Amber11/bin/nab -o tss_main tss_main.o
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
ld: in /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a(__text), archive member
'__text' with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode
Undefined symbols:
   "_tss_init", referenced from:
       _main in tss_init.o
   "_tss_write", referenced from:
       _main in tss_init.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
cc failed!
make[1]: *** [tss_init] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
cc failed!
cc failed!
cc failed!
cc failed!
make[1]: *** [matextract] Error 1
cc failed!
make[1]: *** [matmerge] Error 1
cc failed!
make[1]: *** [matmul] Error 1
make[1]: *** [transform] Error 1
make[1]: *** [tss_main] Error 1
make[1]: *** [matgen] Error 1
r - matop.o
a - symop.o
a - tss.o
ranlib /Applications/Amber11/lib/libnab.a
make: *** [serial] Error 2

A rather ugly error, indeed. I can't quite translate "archive member
with length 0 is not mach-o or bitcode" into English. Can anyone
advise as to what might have happened here?


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 02 2010 - 15:00:05 PST
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