On Mon, Mar 01, 2010, Ben Roberts wrote:
> I went via the shell script approach for (broad) consistency with
> other tests - the consistency is not absolute, since I used sh instead
> of csh. That could also be changed if desired.
> The other reason was to do with reporting of program crashes
> (conventionally reported as "Program error") cf. failures ("Possible
> FAILURE in <output file>"). Historically, that difference was not
> noted in the nab tests,
OK, I see your point. Looking at amber11/test/nab/Makefile, it looks to me
like BINDIR, SFX and NABFLAGS are not really needed: I think everything would
work if those were empty, and/or you used the usual "../../bin/nab" construct
found in other test cases. So, go ahead with the shell scripts, and you
can probably avoid any dependency on config.h.
Thanks for working on this....dave
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 01 2010 - 18:30:04 PST