On Thu, Jan 14, 2010, Jason Swails wrote:
> I think it'd probably be a good idea to allow users to download 1.2,
> if for no other reason than to complete their amber10 package (and
> they can also install ambertools 1.3, of course, and use that one).
Done. See the "downloads" section at
> Ultimately, I think we should separate ambertools and amber
> (AMBERTOOLSHOME, AMBERHOME), as their releases will not necessarily be
> synchronized, and those upgrading ambertools with each release will
> not necessarily be upgrading amber as well.
This can be discussed, but I'd prefer to make it a moot point by:
a. completely merging the distributions, OR
b. avoiding the "incompatibility" issues that came up this time. The current
"problem" arose partly because there were giant changes in AmberTools, but
mostly because we(I) was too lazy to squash all the problems.
In the future, my idea is that the tree name (e.g. amber10, amber11) would
change on an "Amber" release, and we would take care that any intermediate
releases of AmberTools were compatible with the most recent Amber source tree.
This is more work on our part, but gives a lot of simplification for users
if we can pull it off.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 15 2010 - 09:00:02 PST