[AMBER-Developers] easy ia64 configure fixes

From: Lachele Foley <lfoley.ccrc.uga.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 15:55:29 -0500

The version of AT that I pulled from CVS on the 14th is different for ia64 from what is in the latest release candidate.

In the cvs version, but -not- in the current release:

* Netcdf configures (well... this might not be easy... I don't know what the difference is)

* the un-ia64 options (mtune, msse) are removed from the configure files

:-) Lachele
B. Lachele Foley, PhD '92,'02
Assistant Research Scientist
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, UGA
----- Original Message -----
From: case
To: amber-developers.ambermd.org
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:39:19 -0500
Subject: [AMBER-Developers] Near-final
version of AmberTools 1.3
> Hi everyone:
> Here is the latest release candidate:
>   http://ambermd.org/downloads/AmberTools.18dec09.tar.bz2
> Of course, we are never "finished", but we can post bugfixes if needed --
> basically, I'd like to get this announced soon, so please let me know of
> problems that pop up.
> FYI: For Amber10, we have shipped 807 copies; for AmberTools, there have
> been 6579 downloads from unique IP addresses.  Thanks to all of you for your
> contributions to this.
> ...dac
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Received on Fri Dec 18 2009 - 13:00:02 PST
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